AccelCore Technologies is fast transforming itself into Asia’s info-communication service provider of choice. Started by initial offering of basic internet hostings services, hardware and software support for our corporate customers. AccelCore Technologies have today grown to provide superior comprehensive range of integrated services based on our 3-core business units namely Integration, Development & Online to bring cutting edge solutions to our customers.
In this technology age, the environment forced us to get creative and use innovative solutions to meet the needs of our customers. For that, we’ve decided to build much of our own technology, and that differentiates us from the competition.
Our technology is built by our in-house developers on stable systems that come together to create one amazing user experience. Designed to be easy-to-use, everything at AccelCore Technologies is built with the customer in mind.
We’re focused solely on providing a quality customer experience backed by offering the absolute technology solutions in the industry. It’s a never-ending quest, but it’s one we’re happy to take on.
We pledge to always take your business seriously. We’re always looking for ways to diversify our offerings, improve reliability, and improve our overall quality of service. After all, your ideas put you online, but we’re the ones that help keep you there.
To be an industry leader in globalization solutions.
Customer Focus
Personal Excellence